
TZN1 Watch


The must have item of the year. An Android Smartwatch with a camera, Augment Reality and AI capabilities.

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The Toyz Watch is a smartwatch from Toyz Electronics, an official Carnegie Mellon University startup. It runs on full Android 5.1, has video, music, phone, and gaming capabilities, and has already been used in medical research by some institutions.

At hackathons hosted at Carnegie Mellon, students have been able to utilize the smartwatch to develop applications in health, wellness and gaming. With the watch students from all backgrounds, skill levels, ethnicities, universities, genders, and fields of study were engaged and able learn to develop on a wearable platform utilizing our smartwatch, making them developers in the growing wearable community.

The Toyz Watch is currently on sale at $300! at a limited Beta Edition for Developers and Early Adopters who want to get a feel for Full Android Running on a Smartwatch

Purchasing Options 1 or 2 pcs


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